About AHR

Norris Strauch is the inventor of the Cornerstone Foundation System. His vision of a permanent structural foundation for manufactured homes started to come to life when he moved to the UmpquaValley and began his 2-year R&D process. That process continues today as existing products are improved and new products are born through innovation and guidance from Norris. He jokingly states that when he started the only thing he knew was to never give up on the possibilty of a better design. In 1995 Norris began manufacturing and installing his first generation of products proving the product design for a durable perimeter foundation that was esthetically pleasing. CFS’s product grew in utilization and became valuable in the manufactured home market place as the only pre-cast concrete stystem that functions as tie-downs and perimeter peir support in its design. In 2003 Norris moved his growing company from a sole proprietorship to an LLC and CFS continues to grow in its market aided by its years of tested reliability in product design, quality and durability.

Norris Strauch is the inventor of the Cornerstone Foundation System. His vision of a permanent structural foundation for manufactured homes started to come to life when he moved to the UmpquaValley and began his 2-year R&D process. That process continues today as existing products are improved and new products are born through innovation and guidance from Norris. He jokingly states that when he started the only thing he knew was to never give up on the possibilty of a better design. In 1995 Norris began manufacturing and installing his first generation of products proving the product design for a durable perimeter foundation that was esthetically pleasing. CFS’s product grew in utilization and became valuable in the manufactured home market place as the only pre-cast concrete stystem that functions as tie-downs and perimeter peir support in its design. In 2003 Norris moved his growing company from a sole proprietorship to an LLC and CFS continues to grow in its market aided by its years of tested reliability in product design, quality and durability.